Albagnano: +39 0323 569601 | +39 392 649 0330 | Milano: +39 35 18 82 4841

Kunpen Lama Gangchen Association

Kunpen Lama Gangchen offers Tibetan Buddhist teachings and practices from two centres in Italy:
Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre and Kunpen Milan Centre



Kunpen Lama Gangchen is an organisation of the NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu tradition, the spiritual lineage of lama healer T.Y.S. Gangchen Rinpoche, his heart son Lama Michel Rinpoche and his heart daughter Lama Caroline.

Kunpen is a Tibetan word meaning ‘benefit for all beings’.


The association Kunpen Lama Gangchen was founded by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche in 1989, and was recognised by the Italian State as a Buddhist religious organisation following the signing of an agreement with the official register of religious organisations.
Its aims are the study and dissemination of teachings on non-formal education to develop inner peace, the techniques of NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing, the art of Tibetan healing science and Buddhist philosophy and psychology.

Since its foundation, Kunpen has hosted many great lamas who have given initiations and teachings according to the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The centre is also regularly visited by groups of monks, coming from different monasteries in India and Nepal. Other than performing traditional rituals, the monks are experts in the construction of sand mandalas and tantric dance.
Currently the centre offers the constant presence of Lama Michel Rinpoche who holds courses and lectures on the various themes of Buddhist philosophy and psychology and on the Tantric NgalSo Self-Healing methods.

Video: NgalSo – Lama Gangchen’s spiritual lineage


Kunpen is a point of reference and support for all the organisations founded by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche. Each organisation maintains its own autonomy:

The ‘Fondazione Lama Gangchen per un cultura di pace’ (Lama Gangchen Foundation for Peace Culture) carries out some institutional activities for Kunpen Lama Gangchen. Since 2007, the Temple and the buildings of Kunpen Lama Gangchen in Albagnano are owned by this Foundation.

In 2004, Kunpen Lama Gangchen was one of the founding members of the Forum of Religions in Milan. The Forum brings together the representatives of the five great spiritual traditions present in Milan: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. This inter-religious organisation was created to promote a culture of dialogue, solidarity and peace. All the faiths of the city are represented in the Forum by various communities and religious organisations.

Kunpen Lama Gangchen is a member of the Italian Buddhist Union.

Membership and Contributions

To participate in activities or stay at the centre, you need to become a member of the association. The membership card, valid for one calendar year, costs €30 and is available from the reception in both centres.

Membership Request


Organisation Projects UBI Guidelines for Members