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Vajrayoghini Practice

16jul17:3019:00Vajrayoghini Practicemeditation not in streaming Place: Meditation Hall Level: Intermediate17:30 - 19:00

Event Details

Vajrayoghini Practice

The practice of Vajrayogini, one of the most important of the Mahanuttara Yoga Tantra, the highest class of Tantra, is considered one of the most powerful of all Buddhist Tantric meditations. Buddha emanated Vajrayogini, a special female enlightened being, 2500 years ago. She is the female counterpart of Heruka, the Lord of the Heroes, and she teaches us how to attain enlightenment through purifying our female essence, our dakini nature. In the course of centuries many high lamas, yogis and accomplished Mahasiddhas have explained that the tantra of Vajrayogini is an excellent antidote against the damages brought about by an excess of avidity and greed. Furthermore they stated that with the increasing levels of the moral and energetic degeneration of the planet, the Vajrayogini Tantra would have also acquired an increasingly greater power and that the realisations brought about by it’s practice can lead to Enlightenment in a single lifetime. This practice is particularly indicated for those who are consumed by desire; it is very simple although it contains the essence of all the tantras. Practicing with sincerity, it can help resolve desperate situations and lead quickly to the Pureland of the Dakinis and to the Clear Light of Bliss.

The text  “The Quick Path to Great Bliss, the uncommon sadhana of Venerable Naro Kachö Vajrayoginī” composed by Kyabje Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo will be recited.

(recommended for those who have received the enpowerment)



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