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Combined NgalSo Self-Healing practices

15jun15:0016:30Combined NgalSo Self-Healing practicesGuided practice15:00 - 16:30

Event Details

Combined NgalSo Self-Healing practices 

A summary of many of the NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing practices taught by Lama Gangchen over the years and summarized together in a single meditation exercise that can be performed in forty minutes. It is based on the use of various combined therapies: chromotherapy, breathing therapy, mudras or sacred gestures, recitation of mantras … in addition to the various therapies based on concentration and on visualisation of symbols and archetypes.

The exercise includes the purification practices of the astrological elements and energies, Black Manjusri and then, in sequence: the Self-Healing of the five Supreme Healers, of the Five Mothers of the Elements, Gujasamaja. Heruka, Vajrayogini, Yamantaka, Kalachakra and others. 

With a single exercise it is possible to review many practices of the different classes of tantra, receiving their physical and mental benefits.


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