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Winter course: Lojong: the seven points mind training and Prayers for peace messenger

29dec(dec 29)09:0006jan(jan 6)19:00Winter course: Lojong: the seven points mind training and Prayers for peace messenger(December 29) 09:00 - (January 6) 19:00

Event Details

Winter course

Lojong: the seven points mind training and Prayers for peace messenger


29th December
7.15 am Ngalso Trulkor yoga (yoga room)
9.00 am NgalSo tantric self-healing (main gompa)
10.30 am -1.00 pm Guru Puja with Lama Michel and Lama Caroline (main gompa)
3.30 pm – 5.00 pm Teachings with Lama Michel (main gompa)
5.30 pm- 7.00 pm Teachings with Lama Caroline (main gompa)

30th December

7.15 am Ngalso Trulkor yoga (yoga room)
9.00 am Ngalso tantric self-healing led by Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)
10.30 am -1.00 pm Teachings with Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)
3.30 pm – 6.00 pm  Teachings with Lama Caroline (main gompa)
5.00 pm Guru Puja (protector’s gompa)

31st December

7.15 am Trulkor Ngalso yoga (yoga room)
9.00 am Tantric self-healing Ngalso led by Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)
10.30-13.00 Teachings with Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)

15.30-18 .00 Teachings with Lama Caroline (main gompa)
17.00 Guru Puja (protector’s gompa)
20.00 – 22.00 New Year’s Eve dinner and lottery (restaurant)
23.00- 00.30 Meditation for the end of the year and New Year’s wishes (main gompa)

1st January

10.30 am Thousand Buddha ceremony (meditation hall)

10.30 am Guru Puja (main temple)
3.30 pm – 5.30 pm Empowerment of Buddha Maitreya (main gompa)
5.30 pm. – 7.30 p.m Self-healing with Lama Caroline (main gompa)

from 2th  to 6st January

7.15 am Ngalso Trulkor yoga (yoga room)
9.00 am Ngalso tantric self-healing led by Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)
10.30 am -1.00 pmTeachings with Lama Michel Rinpoche (main gompa)
3.30-pm – 6.00 pm Teachings with Lama Caroline (main gompa)
5.00 pm Guru Puja (protector’s gompa)

The seven points mind training was brought to Tibet by Atisha and written by Geshe Chekawa (1102-1176). He introduced the traditional doctrine of the ‘seven points training’ with the following divisions: The preliminaries and the Bodhichitta training, how to transform adverse circumstances into the path, understanding the ways to transform the mind, advices for the actual practice.

Prayers for Peace Messengers

According to the Western Buddhist lineage NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu

The teaching will be dedicated to the in-depth study and practice of the mantras, prayers and meditations contained in the recently published booklet

Prayers for Peace Messengers.

The booklet is a collection of many meditative practices, from preliminaries to dedications, which Lama Gangchen Rinpoche taught as a complete puja that can be done at many times in life.

With the NgalSo practices and all the mantras and prayers he transmitted, Lama Gangchen offered us innumerable profound keys to wisdom as he took us, heart to heart, on a journey through the teachings and practices of sutra and tantra, to help us achieve physical and emotional healing, spiritual realisation and inner peace.


 1st January 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Maitreya Enpowerment

The bodhisattva destined to succeed Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya is the Buddha of benevolence and compassion.

To buy the study materials:

 Method and wisdom to realize inner peace


Maitreya Initiation

The bodhisattva destined to succeed Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya is the Buddha of benevolence and compassion.

Masters for this event

  • Lama Michel Rinpoche

    Lama Michel Rinpoche


December 29, 2023 09:00 - January 6, 2024 19:00

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