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Guru Puja

22may17:0019:00Guru PujaMeditation and recitation ritual also in streaming17:00 - 19:00

Event Details

Guru Puja 
according to the NgalSo lineage of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche

Meditation and recitation ritual
The Guru Puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist meditation and recitation ritual of invocation and offerings to pacify negativities and increase qualities and positive energies. The practice is performed daily in AHMC, and is dedicated to inner and world peace. During the offering part a long mantra – Ghanachakra – is recited 108 times. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche initiated this daily recitation dedicated for world peace right after the nine-eleven event in New York, 2001. Since then, the mantra has been recited over five million times.

Joyful celebration
It is a wonderful practice for Buddhist followers; a compendium of teachings of the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. At the same time it is a joyful celebration where everyone who wants to can join in. The Guru Puja is practiced with a special dedication for world peace and with special dedications for those who request them.

The text is available in the Gompa or can be purchased from the shop.

Changes in time and place may occur. Please inquire in the gompa or at the reception for last minute information.

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