Albagnano: +39 0323 569601 | +39 392 649 0330 | Milano: +39 35 18 82 4841

The Kunpen Lama Gangchen Association has always been committed to creating moments of sharing and participation for all, organising an increasing number of events open to everyone, with the possibility of contributing with a donation.

During the last assembly, held on 25 January 2025, the members decided to update the cost of the membership card. After 26 years in which the cost remained fixed at €30, an increase to €50 was voted.

This choice will give more support to the Centre and the activities we provide by ensuring that everyone can continue to participate by offering what they can, keeping alive the inclusive spirit that sets us apart.

We are also aware that not everyone can be physically present at our events. For this reason, we put more and more effort into our YouTube channels and into streaming our numerous activities, so we can also reach those who are far away or cannot attend in person. The people using this service can also be a part of our family and support the Centre by becoming a member. 



Thank you for supporting the Kunpen Lama Gangchen Association!