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Ministry of the Interior

Recognition of the legal status of the Association “Kunpen Lama Gangchen”
(Institute for the study and spreading of Vajrayana Buddhism), in Milan.

By decree of the Minister on March 22, 2016, legal status was granted to the association “Kunpen Lama Gangchen”
(Institute for the study of Vajrayana Buddhism), with headquarters in Milan.

Below you can read articles 2 and 3 of the statute in English, a full copy of the statute in Italian language can be found here: 
Kunpen Lama Gangchen – Associative Statute

Articles 2 and 3 of the statute in English

Article 2
The Association aims to promote and spread the Buddha Dharma in the West in respect to the Three Jewels and the Four Noble Truths, according to the teaching transmitted by Buddha Shakyamuni, Lama Tsongkhapa, the First Panchen Lama Losang Choky Gyaltsen, Phabonkha Dorje Chang, Ling Dorje Chang, senior Tutor, and Trijang Dorie Chang, junior Tutor of the XIV Dalai Lama, and of the founder Thinle Yarpel Lama Shresta Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche who received the Tashi Lhungpo lineage directly from H.H. the tenth Panchen Lama.

The Association, for this purpose, promotes, among other things, NgalSo Self-Healing, the Shing Kham Jong So practice (making peace with the environment) and other practices devoted to the development of Western Buddhism.

The Association also aims to promote the spread of inner peace activities around the world, supporting the ideals of non-violence of great beings such as the Tathagata Buddha, Jesus, St. Francis and St. Clare and, in more recent times, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Padre Pio, the holder of the Nobel Peace Prize H.H the XIV Dalai Lama, emanation of the Buddha of compassion and all the great masters of peace in all traditions.

The Association adheres to the aims of the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation (non-governmental organisation affiliated with the United Nations since March 1997), including that of the United Nations Spiritual Forum proposed by T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen and is also committed, therefore, to support the activities of the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation in the following areas:

– Dissemination of a Non-formal Education system for training the person in inner peace, world peace and environmental peace;
– Study and dissemination of the NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing therapy for the body and mind of T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen.

– Encourage dialogue between the different religious and spiritual traditions;
– Support the Spiritual Forum project of T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen at the United Nations.

– Study and dissemination of Tibetan and Himalayan natural medicine
– Integration between the western and eastern medical systems

– Preservation of the Tibetan and Himalayan sacred arts and culture

Article 3
To achieve its aims, the Association aims to:
– organise Buddhist meditation classes, teachings and initiations with monks and Masters, in particular the Association will engage in the study and teaching of the NgalSo Tantric Self Healing practice for the body and mind of Lama Gangchen, based on a system of self-responsibility and self-morality;
– organise Peace Education and Non Formal Education courses for adults and children;
– disseminate and teach both western and eastern techniques aimed at healing forms of psychological distress, stress and maladjustment to modern life, which often result in real physical or mental illnesses, providing these activity through its volunteers also to schools and universities and in favour of the most disadvantaged groups: physical and mentally ill, the elderly in nursing homes, children in institutions, social centres for young people, prisons and juvenile detention centres;
– promote the integration of the formal school education system with a system of non-formal education, both scholastic and non-scholastic, that helps to develop social, interpersonal, psychological and emotional skills, as well as the formation of Peace Educators.
– collaborate with schools, universities and similar institutes for Peace Education, in respect of the environment, human rights and the fundamental values of solidarity and non-violence.
– promote through meetings, conferences and publications inter-religious dialogue and the identification of common ethical values in the different traditions towards the direction of peace. To this end, it will work in particular to spread the proposal of Lama Gangchen for the creation of a Spiritual Forum for Peace at the United Nations, bringing together the leaders of different spiritual and religious traditions; for the creation of forums at national and regional levels which, operating in conjunction with the United Nations Information Centres, bring together representatives of different spiritual traditions in regular meetings aimed at agreeing joint action for peace, thus preparing a basic structure that supports the creation of a Spiritual Forum at the central UN level, also creating at the same time a Spiritual Buddhist Forum;
– support the development of a holistic and non-violent medical system that retrieves the values of natural traditional medicines and in particular those of the Himalayan Buddhist tradition, in collaboration with the Western medical system; a non-violent scientific research which integrates human and spiritual values with those of technological progress, promoting the dialogue between science and religion in the direction of peace. For this purpose centres and research institutes may be created, courses on Tibetan and Himalayan medicine will be offered, and conferences and seminars for the collaboration between different medical and therapeutic schools in the world will be promoted, by inviting Tibetan doctors and astrologers to the West; there will be, in particular, a cooperation with the Himalayan Healing Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal.
– spread in the West the rich cultural, artistic and religious Himalayan heritage, through exhibitions, conferences, invitations to groups of Tibetan monks for the construction of the sand mandala and the presentation of sacred dances; the organisation of courses on Tibetan religious painting; the translation, printing and distribution of original Tibetan and Sanskrit texts; assistance in the preparation of university theses on topics related to Buddhist and Himalayan culture; the recovery of the sacred Tibetan and Himalayan musical traditions and their dissemination; economic support to the Tibetan monasteries in India, Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim, Mongolia, Ladakh, and raising funds for aid in favour of the Himalayan and Tibetan populations, including through the dissemination of their handicrafts.
– organise trips with the purpose of spiritual pilgrimage with emphasis on the sacred places of Buddhism in India, Nepal, China, Tibet, Sikkim, Mongolia, Ladakh, Indonesia.
– disseminate audiovisual materials, books, brochures, newsletters, sacred objects and various items related to Buddhist religion and history, peace education, natural medicine, meditation, Tibetan and Himalayan handicrafts.

Organisation chart

Click here for Kunpen Lama Gangchen’s organigram

Financial Reports

Click here for Kunpen Lama Gangchen’s financial report 2020
Click here for Kunpen Lama Gangchen’s financial report 2018

Click here for Relazione di revisione del bilancio 2020
Click here for Relazione di revisione del bilancio 2018