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Sitatapatra, the White Umbrella Goddess healing puja

08jul10:0017:00Sitatapatra, the White Umbrella Goddess healing pujameditation also in streaming10:00 - 17:00

Event Details

Sitatapatra, the White Umbrella Goddess healing puja

10.00 am – 1.00 pm and 2.30.00pm to 5.00 pm

Sitatapatra  ( in tibetan Dukkar), is considered to be a special manifestation of Tara as well as the female equivalent of Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of Compassion. Her White Umbrella has the power to protect against negative information, astrological influences, collective violence and the causes that create psychological problems, as well as to pacify obstacles, arguments and fights. She not only helps us to defeat over external violence but also to heal our personal inner violence that incites us to behave in aggressive and violent ways in every moment of our daily life.

Masters for this event

  • Drubchen Rinpoche

    Drubchen Rinpoche

  • Geshe Jangchub

    Geshe Jangchub

  • Geshe Lobsang Puntsok

    Geshe Lobsang Puntsok

    Geshe Lobsang Phuntsok, was born in 1969 in Darjeeling, India from tibetan parents. Following the direct advice of H.H Trijang Dorje Chan he was sent to the monastery in 1979. From 1982 to 1995 he studied the five major topics of Buddhist philosophy and he competed all the Buddhist studies getting the Geshe degree in the 2001.
    In 2002 Ven. Gonsar Rinpoche invited him to help the young Yangzie Trijang Rinpoche and other students in Tashi Rabten, Austria.
    He followed Kyabe Trijang Chocktrul Rinponche to USA and supported him from 2004 to 2016 in his own center the Trijang Buddhist Institute in Vermont,USA, where he has been also giving teachings to other students.
    In 2020, he completed a 4 years meditation retreat in Italy and since then, he is a resident Geshe at Albagnano Healing Meditation Center.

  • Lama Thubten Wangchuck

    Lama Thubten Wangchuck

    Lama Thubten Wangchuck was born in Barcelona on 3 December 1970. He began to study Dharma with Venerable Lama Gyatsem at the Dag Shang Kagyu. He took Getsul vows at Gangden Choling in Menorca in 1991.

    He has completed retreats of Chenrezig, Sanghye Menla, Green Tara and Vajrayoghini. He is lineage holdder of Kum-gye, Nangpa Neljor. He is currently studying and practising the teachings of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche.

  • Lama Thubten Wangchuck

    Lama Thubten Wangchuck

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