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Easter course: teachings on the Prajnaparamita, teaching on NgalSo Mahayana Self-healing and practice of the Heart Sutra to reverse obstacle

30mar01aprEaster course: teachings on the Prajnaparamita, teaching on NgalSo Mahayana Self-healing and practice of the Heart Sutra to reverse obstaclealso in streaming (March 30) 10:30 - (April 1) 18:00

Event Details

Easter course: teachings on the Prajnaparamita, teaching on NgalSo Mahayana Self-healing and practice of the Heart Sutra to reverse obstacle

10:30 am – 1.30 pm Teachings on the Prajnaparamita with Lama Michel Rinpoche

3:30 pm – 5.00 pm teaching on NgalSo Mahayana Self-healing and practice of the Heart Sutra to reverse obstacle with Lama Caroline


The perfection of wisdom, the Prajnaparamita, is encapsulated in the Heart Sutra of Wisdom. This Sutra is the heart of the Buddhist teachings of the Mahayana school and is practiced in China, Japan, Southeast Asia and Tibet. The enlightened Avalokitesvara, in a large assembly of monks and sages answered a question from the sage Shariputra about the correct way to perceive the five aggregates. He explained the Five Paths to Enlightenment, and the profound transcendental knowledge of emptiness, which is the best way to eliminate internal and external interferences.

Masters for this event

  • Lama Caroline

    Lama Caroline

  • Lama Michel Rinpoche

    Lama Michel Rinpoche


March 30, 2024 10:30 - April 1, 2024 18:00

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