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Winter Retreat – Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time and Commentary of the Guru Puja

26dec(dec 26)07:3031(dec 31)19:30Winter Retreat – Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time and Commentary of the Guru PujaWinter retreat07:30 - 19:30 (31)

Event Details

Winter Retreat – Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time and Commentary of the Guru Puja

The Glorious Wheel of Peace Time: meditation on Kalachakra to create the pure crystal energy body, light and nectar, achieving inner peace and connecting this world to Shambala.

The Tantra of Kalachakra gives us the key to understand and harmonize the energies of body and mind with those of the world we live in. During the seminar, participants are guided through a series of exercises that use the body, sound, concentration and visualisation.

This year, during the annual NgalSo Kalachakra retreat, we will look at the Inner Kalachakra which explains the relationship between the outer universe and our three psychophysical components (wind, bile and phlegm), the five elements and our consciousness. Many of the key concepts of Himalayan medicine are taken out from the inner chapter of the Kalachakra tantra. We will look how our biotype (wind, bile and phlegm) is affected by the time of the year, the movement of the planets, our diet, behaviour and many other factors, all very useful to take care of our own health and well being.

 Commentary of the Guru Puja with Lama Michel Rinpoche

The Guru Puja is a practice for Buddhist followers, a compendium of teachings of the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions that show how to integrate Lam Rim, Lojong and Mahamudra practices and help us to meditate on the three principal Yidams of the Gelugpa School.

PROGRAMME –  from 26th Dicembre 2019 to 6th January 2020

Friday 27th • Tuesday 31st • Friday 3rd
7.30-8.30 am 
Qi Gong with Riccardo Abbate – yogaroom – portico

Saturday 28th • Sunday 29th • Monday 30th • Thursday 2nd
7.30-8.45 am
Trulkor NgalSo Yoga
 with Thomas Nitzsche – yogaroom – portico

Saturday 4th • Sunday 5th • Monday 6th
7.30-8.45 am
Hatha Yoga with Eduardo Gonzàlez Granda – yogaroom – portico

Thursday 26th to Monday 6th
9-10.45 am
Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
guided by Lama Michel Rinpoche 

11 am-1 pm
Commentary of the Guru Puja
with Lama Michel Rinpoche 

3.30-6 pm
Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
with Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and Lama Caroline 

6-7.30 pm 
Guru Puja – Tsog offering

(times may vary)


Thursday 26th
3.30 pm  
Kalachakra Empowerment
with Lama Gangchen Rinpoche

Tuesday 31st
Regular programme until 7 pm

8 pm-00.30 am
Dinner and lottery 

00.30 am 
Meditation for an auspicious new year

Sunday 5th
9.30 am
Long life Puja
dedicated to Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, Lama Michel Rinpoche,
Lama Caroline and all the Masters of the Gelug Ganden Nyengyu Lineage

1.30 pm
Lunch (offered)


    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
    • Day 4
    • Day 5
    • Day 6
    • December 26, 2019
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time3.30pm - 6.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 6.00pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering6.00pm - 7.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • December 27, 2019
    • 7.30am Qi Gong with Riccardo Abbate7.30am - 8.30am
      Qi Gong with Riccardo Abbate
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time3.30pm - 6.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 6.00pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering6.00pm - 7.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • December 28, 2019
    • 7.30am Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche7.30am - 8.45am
      Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time3.30pm - 6.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 6.00pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering6.00pm - 7.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • December 29, 2019
    • 7.30am Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche7.30am - 8.45am
      Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering3.30pm - 5.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 5.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time5.30pm - 8.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • December 30, 2019
    • 7.30am Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche7.30am - 8.45am
      Trulkor NgalSo Yoga with Thomas Nitzsche
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering3.30pm - 5.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 5.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time5.30pm - 8.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • December 31, 2019
    • 7.30am Qi Gong with Riccardo Abbate7.30am - 8.30am
      Qi Gong with Riccardo Abbate
    • 9.00am Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 9.00am - 10.45am
      Silent meditation, Ngalso Tantric Self healing and Guru Puja 
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 11.00am Commentary of the Guru Puja11.00am - 1.00pm
      Commentary of the Guru Puja
      Masters: Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 3.30pm Guru Puja - Tsog offering3.30pm - 5.30pm
      Guru Puja - Tsog offering
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 5.30pm Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time5.30pm - 7.00pm
      Transmission and Teaching of Kalachakra: the Wheel of Time
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
    • 8.00pm Dinner and lottery 8.00pm - 00.30am
      Dinner and lottery 
      Masters: Lama Caroline, Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, Lama Michel Rinpoche
    • 00.30am Meditation for an auspicious new year 00.30am - 2.00am
      1st january Meditation for an auspicious new year

Masters for this event

  • Lama Caroline

    Lama Caroline

  • Lama Michel Rinpoche

    Lama Michel Rinpoche


December 26, 2019 07:30 - December 31, 2019 19:30

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