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Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche life celebration - Kadrin Drenso: regenerate your gratitude

07jul(jul 7)09:0009(jul 9)17:00Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche life celebration - Kadrin Drenso: regenerate your gratitudealso in streaming09:00 - 17:00 (9)

Event Details

Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche life celebration – Kadrin Drenso: regenerate your gratitude

On the occasion of the anniversary of Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche’s birth, three days dedicated to the celebration of his extraordinary life, a life entirely dedicated to caring for beings and teaching the message of peace of the ‘inner scientist Buddha Shakyamuni’ as he liked to call the Buddha.
The programme includes traditional ceremonies with Tibetan monks, offering in front of the stupa, and meditations on the various NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing practices, transmitted by Lama Gangchen as paths of relaxation, healing of body and mind and as a path to enlightenment.
And then, songs in his homage, dances and much merriment, in accordance with the value that Lama Gangchen Rinpoche always gave to the arts, and to joy, as instruments for the practice of the Dharma.
The programme is especially dedicated to his swift return among us.


Friday, July 7

09.00 – 10.00 am NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing meditation led by Lama Michel Rinpoche

10 am – 1 pm Guru Puja with the Lamas, Geshe and venerable monks

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Self-Healing Practice for the Environment – Shin Kan Jon So meditation led by Lama Caroline

3:30 pm- 5:30 pm Offerings to the Sacred Stupa, Tantric Self-Healing NgalSo Combined Practice, Prayers for the Quick Return of Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche and recitations of Vajranakhi Dharani.

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Tibetan sacred songs from the NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu tradition.

6.00 pm – 7.00 pm “Dharma sound” Tibetan bells concert with Thonla Sonam

Saturday, July 8

09.00 am – 09.45 am NgalSo Tantric Self-HealingSomeditation led by Lama Michel Rinpoche

10 am – 1 pm Guru Puja with the presence of the Lamas, Geshe and venerable monks

2:30 pm- 3:30 pm Self-Healing Practice for the Environment – Shin Kan Jon So meditation led by Lama Caroline

3.30 pm- 4.00 pm NgalSo “Cora” chanting of the mantras of Guru Buddhas in the Temple of Heaven on Earth

4.30 pm- 6.00pm Rainbow of healing nectars. Practice of the seven Medicine Buddhas of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche by the United Peace Voices

8:30 pm – 10 pm Estatic Dance by Fernanda Lenz

Sunday, July 9

09.00 am- 09.45 am NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing practice led by Lama Michel Rinpoche

10.00 am – 1.00 pm Guru Puja with the presence of the Lama, Geshe and venerable monks

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Self-Healing Practice for the Environment – Shin Kan Jon So led by Lama Caroline

3.30pm- 5.00 pm Prayers for the quick return of Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche and recitations of Vajranakhi Dharani.




Masters for this event

  • Drubchen Rinpoche

  • Geshe Jangchub

  • Geshe Lobsang Puntsok

  • Lama Caroline

  • Lama Michel Rinpoche

  • Lama Thubten Wangchuck

  • Lama Thubten Wangchuck


July 7, 2023 09:00 - July 9, 2023 17:00

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